
Last Updated:
25/09/2018 - 12:31
Author/Organization Name of the Publication Publisher Date Type
  Women in Finland - 1999 Kitap
Abay, C. İzmir'de kadına yönelik eğitimin istihdama etkisi KSGM 1999 Kitap
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Abzug, B., Jain, D. Women's Leadership and the ethics of development UNDP 1996 Kitap
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Akhun, İ. Kız çocuklarının mesleki eğitime ve istihdama yönelimleri KSGM 2000 Kitap
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Alkan, A. Belediye kadınlara da hizmet eder: Kadın dostu belediye hizmetleri KADER Yayını 2006 Kitap
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Arat, Y. Political islam in turkey and women's organizations TESEV Yayınları 1999 Kitap
Armenia, Y. Women and entrepreneurship Konrad Adenauer Foundation 1999 Kitap
Ashworth, G. Gendered Governance, an agenda for change UNDP 1996 Kitap
Aziz, A. Medya, şiddet ve kadın: 1993 yılında türk basınında kadınlara yönelik şiddetin yer alış biçimi KSGM 1994 Kitap
Bayefsky, A., Doyle, M. Emergency Return Center of International Studies Pricenton University 1999 Kitap
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Bekata-Mardin, N. Sağlık Sektöründe Kadın KSGM 2000 Kitap
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Çelebi, N. Turizm sektöründeki küçük işyeri örgütlerinde kadın girişimciler KSGM 1997 Kitap
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Gil Ja, J., Sook, L., Woo, L. Advancement of Women in Science and Technology: A Case Study of Korea Ewha Womans University Press 2006 Kitap
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Grimshaw, D., Rubery, J. The Concentration of Women's Employment and Relative Occupational Pay: A Statistical Framework for Comparative Analysis OECD 1997 Kitap
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Groves, A., Sawer, M. Working from inside Australian Government Publishing Service 1994 Kitap
Guivant, J. Agrarian Chamge, Gender and Land Rights UNRİSD 2003 Kitap
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Shaheed, F. Great ancestors: Women asserting rights in muslim contexts International Solidarity Network 2004 Kitap
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Vargas, V. The Women's Movement in Peru: Rebellion into action Institute of Social Science 1990 Kitap
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